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Saath Kahaniya - EP 10 - The Game


She learns they chose a man's mask when she returns to the store to pick up the costume that has already been rented. But for Delisha, that's just the start of a wild evening. The odd sex ritual being conducted by a masked man wearing a crimson cloak is the first thing she notices at the gathering. And things only grow stranger! Delisha discovers that the party is truly an orgy as she moves across the property. Delisha only has one choice because the game master's instructions were vague: roll up her sleeves and get her hands dirty until she can figure out why she's there. The sole issue? She has been informed that her life is in jeopardy, and the enigmatic guy in the crimson cloak intends to carry out his threat!

In the newest Saath Kahaniya episode, "The Game," see what transpires when Delisha makes the error of attempting to be the life of this kinky costume party. 

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