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That was the first time he had ever considered his best friend's mother in that manner

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Take my advice and don't hesitate to do an older lady if you ever get the chance! My life was completely altered by that.

My first encounter was with Savita, the mother of my closest buddy. Even though it's still hard for me to believe it happened, I'm so happy I followed my gut and killed that hot ass! She is incredible. Indeed, it is. Whenever I return to the city for a break, I still get back to her.

Since first grade, my best buddy has been her son, Neel. Up until college, we did everything together: attended the same schools, participated in the same extracurricular activities, and played on the same teams. After that, I moved west and he moved east, but we've continued to communicate.

My initial encounter with Savita was entirely coincidental. It was the eve of Neel's departure for college. He got inebriated when we took him to a club for a surprise party. I was drunk, but I stopped drinking to keep an eye out for him after realizing how lost he had become. He occasionally gets a little out of control when he drinks and gets his beer balls on. Fortunately, he was merely sloshed that particular night, so this wasn't the case. I thus desired to bring him home.

After driving us to Neel's house, our friend Rick assisted me in getting him to the door. His mother opened the door just as I was going to insert the key into the top lock after retrieving his keys from his pocket. Savita was awaiting her wake-up call, just like any other mother would. She simply took hold of his other arm and assisted in bringing him in after I apologized for Neel's appearance. He was practically deadweight, so I was grateful for the assistance!

Savita responded that she was anticipating this and that it wasn't my fault. She said I could crash at their house if I wanted to once we had Neel in his bed. I was exhausted after partying and watching Neel, so I was pleased to accept that request. After thanking her, I headed to the restroom. She was in the guest room, making the bed, when I emerged. She was incredibly attractive.

My dick rose to the occasion when I saw Savita bent over the bed in her nightgown, even though I had never, ever thought of her as anything other than Neel's mother. I told her I was going to the kitchen to grab a drink and asked if I could fetch her anything since I didn't want her to see me this way and I was a little astonished by where the heck those feelings came from.

She declined with grace and carried on fluffing the cushions. She said she would see me in the morning and wished me a good night.

A few years before, Neel's father had abandoned them. Running around with skanks behind Savita's back, he was a true scumbag. Neel once grabbed him and struck him in the face with a punch. After his father came clean, he packed up his crap and moved out. Neel believes his father is dead because he hasn't seen him in a long time.

However, I was aware that Savita had spotted him in the town with a few bimbos. I once overheard my mother on the phone with her. She eventually got over it, but not before it had been extremely difficult for her. I recall numerous occasions when my mother spoke with her over the phone long into the night in an attempt to cheer her up.

I kept thinking back to what I had just seen and my completely unanticipated response as I went to get my drink. Even though I was about to embark on the beautiful world of puberty, I had never ever seen this woman in a sexual manner despite knowing her for my whole life! Savita is a really attractive woman with a very good body, I told myself again. A truly lovely woman, but not as attractive as the models I saw in Kamasutra.

I turned to the TV in the living room after having that notion. I just wanted to stay put and reflect on the pictures and occurrences of the previous night. In particular, the picture of Savita's lovely round ass bending over the bed I was going to sleep on! That picture in my head made my cock growl. I figured what the heck, I'd let my thoughts and hands go wild because I assumed she was already in bed and had said good night. I took down my underwear and pants and started to carefully stroke my shaft, daydreaming about having Savita ride my dick.

I was becoming quite involved in it! My cock was pounding in my palm, and I envisioned her lovely tits directly in front of my lips as she bounced and ground on it! It was really, really nice!

To make myself more comfortable, I extended my legs in front of me. I wanted this jerk-off session to last forever because it was one of the best I could recall. Once more, while thinking of Savita, I moved my fingers slowly up and down my shaft. I imagined her slowly jumping up and down on my lap, getting really pounded by my raging cock, writhing in agony and sinking her nails into my arms as I steadied her and rode her into a state of blissful sexual bliss.

A gasp caught my attention as I was almost there. I closed my eyes and hoped the gasp had only gone through my head. Gradually opening my eyes, I saw Neel's mother standing there! I was sitting on her couch with my pants down and my dick in hand, staring at her like a deer caught in headlights.

Oh my god! What on earth was I meant to do at this point? I was watching my best friend's mother while I was stroking myself like a horny monkey and had my cock out! I felt ashamed. I was unable to come up with anything to do, no matter how hard I tried. Before one of us said or did anything, it felt like hours had passed. Everything seemed to have abruptly stopped.

Savita entered the kitchen abruptly. I got up quickly, straightened my pants, and started to walk. Perhaps I should sneak away first thing in the morning before anyone else wakes up and head up to bed? Neel was going to be departing in a month, so I didn't need to come over again before I left for school.

Or perhaps I ought to go apologize? "Gee, Savita, I'm so sorry you saw me whacking my cock on your couch," was the scene that I could envision. I swear I didn't cause any trouble. Yes, exactly!

I wanted to die by crawling under something. However, I made the decision to accept my fate and act like a man. I took a deep breath and entered the kitchen.

Savita was aimlessly wandering, perhaps attempting to occupy her time and avoid confronting me or confronting the recent events. She interrupted me as I began to stutter an apology, telling me that was alright and that I didn't have to say anything. But I felt compelled to. Even so, I was astonished by what I said.

"As I was doing it, you were on my mind."

How the hell did I just say that? She said, "Dude, it's okay, no worries." Then you jerk off and tell her you were thinking about her! The evening was becoming quite unpleasant, and I was unsure of how to move aside! Why not? I believe I noticed shock on Savita's face. the son's closest friend just passed out on the couch and said he was thinking of her!

"You're just saying that," remarked Savita as she turned to face away. I informed her that I had seen her in the bedroom before and that even I couldn't explain the feelings I was experiencing—I could only tell her that they were real.

I went into autopilot after that. I approached her and encircled her waist with my arms. She tensed up and began to move away from me. I begged her to stay put. She came to an end. Then, I felt compelled to pursue it. Thus, I did! I turned to face her and gave her a quick, forceful kiss. She hesitated a moment before reaching out to touch my tongue as well. What a seductive kiss! We took a moment to step back, met eyes, and then embraced as we made our way toward the couch—yes, the actual scene of the crime!

I didn't truly want her, Savita replied as she stopped me once again. I was inebriated, she said. I reassured her that wasn't the case as I reached for her nightgown's sash. I knew I wanted her badly and I was sober and lucid! That was all the invitation I needed when I brushed aside the material of her nightgown to reveal an amazing pair of tits with alert nipples. I immediately got started, pinching and tormenting with my hands and sucking and flicking with my tongue. She groaned and breathed more heavily after each touch.

Savita abruptly stopped me. She asked, "What were you thinking about when I walked in on you?"

"I can show you better than tell you," I retorted.

"All right," she replied. "Are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"I've never been more certain of anything in my life, Savita," I murmured. You're really really hot. Never before has my dick been harder for any woman.

That's quite a praise, she thought to herself. "Andy, tell me what was going through your mind when you were stroking your big dick."

My boner went into overdrive when I heard her speak in that manner. But first, I had to view her pussy. Before I shoved my dick into her cunt, I wanted to take a peek at it. I took off the nightie and stood her up in front of me. Her pussy was visible! Whoa! It was gorgeous and shaven, which surprised me much! I smelled her sex as I leaned in. Feeling my nose so close to her clit, she gasped. I put my hand out and kissed her. "It's been so long since I've been touched," she said, taking hold of my shoulders for stability.

"All right, then, let's take care of that."

I dragged her over to the couch, turned her over on her back, lifted her knees, and promptly dove into her ass. She had an incredible taste! I gorged myself on her like though I hadn't eaten in weeks. She grasped at my head and, breathless, begged me not to stop as she swung her hips in my face. I continued until I sensed her tensing up and she convulsed in an orgasm, causing me to lock my head between her legs.

I grabbed her wrist as I sat on the couch, telling her that she would now see what I was thinking about when she came in on me so as not to lose momentum. Her crooked smile and hazy eyes made her even more stunning in my opinion. I swung one of her legs over mine, and she positioned herself over my cock's head, sensing what was coming. She made a remark about the tool's size as she used her finger to expand her lips. I felt a terrible, silky, maybe buttery warmth suddenly wrap around my rod. She was quite slender.

We moved slowly at first, but quickly picked up speed. With her head thrown back, she humped my crotch while her hips moved side to side and up and down. Then she performed a hip-rotation swivel, as if she were hula-hooping. It was simply unbelievable! A potential orgasm churned my cock, and she was lost in her humping as well.

She grabbed my arms to hold herself as she thrashed around, humping me like mad. I told her I was going to blow because I couldn't stand it any longer. Who was I to dispute when she said that I should shoot her down her throat? It was too much to contemplate that she would blow me after I pounded my cock in her pussy! She knelt in front of me after I removed her from my dick. Like a crazy person, I rubbed my pole from base to tip. She rubbed my balls while I was doing this, and that was all she wrote! Right before the eruption, she planted her lips on mine.

It was pure pleasure! She continued to touch me as she drank all the liquid that my balls had drained. I have never, ever had a greater experience, sweet Lord! My body was experiencing sensations that are beyond words.

After finishing, I passed out on the couch, breathing heavily as though I had just completed a marathon, and my heart felt like it was about to burst. Savita crept up beside me. Her hair was a gorgeous jumble. She had a very attractive appearance. We discussed the recent events. We both felt no regret. We both wanted to do more of it since we enjoyed it so much.

I left for school, but like I mentioned, we get busy when I return. Savita is aware of my dating habits at school, but she also understands how significant she is to me. I feel the same way about her as she does, saying that I've opened up a whole new universe for her.

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